Current contracts awarded by the Parish Council are as follows:
Grass cutting - village greens of Middleton-in-Teesdale and Newbiggin, and Wesley Terrace Play Area
A three-year contract (2021-2023) was awarded to Richard Toward of A R Toward Plants. The number of cuts, and therefore the amount paid, depends on the weather each year, however the maximum value of the contract is £2,750 (2021), £2,850 (2022) and £2,950 (2023).
Litter collection/sweeping - Middleton-in-Teesdale
An arrangement is in place with a self-employed litter collector/sweeper, who works 5 hours per week from October to May and 10 hours per weeks during June to September.
Wesley Terrace Play Area inspection
The Parish Council has awarded the contact for the annual safety inspection of the play area to The Play Inspection Company. This will cost £85+VAT.
The vast majority of the Parish Council's income is derived from the annual precept - the portion of each household's Council Tax, paid to Durham County Council, which is determined by the Parish Council and which is received by the Parish Council in April each year.
A small amount of income each year is obtained through rental of a field which is jointly owned by four parishes and through the sub-letting of a piece of land adjacent to the Wesley Terrace Play Area.
Donations are invited in return for dog poo bags which are kindly distributed by G&J Newsagents. The money received goes directly towards the cost to the Parish Council of buying the bags.
For any projects or additional work, the Parish Council can attempt to raise funding through grants.
Contact Us
Moor Edge, Snaisgill, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Barnard Castle, DL12 0RP
Call us: 01833 640893