The Parish Council looks after several assets in the villages and does what it can to support and enhance the lives of local residents.
If you have any suggestion to make for new or improved services, then please us know!
The majority of services provided to residents are through Durham County Council. If you wish to report any problems with these service, such as potholes, street lighting or highways issues, then please use the County Council's 'Do-it-Online' system.
A group of volunteers regularly spend a few hours getting their hands dirty helping to keep footpaths in and around the village well maintained. They cut back overgrowing vegetation, clear rubbish, remove tripping hazards such as tree roots, repair steps, clean away built-up silt etc.
It's a sociable occasion and it's amazing how much can be achieved in a few hours by a group of willing helpers.
In 2020 the group was delighted to receive a grant from County Councillors Richard Bell and Ted Henderson to purchase a range of small tools and power equipment to make the job easier and allow more heavy-duty tasks to be done.
There are some 60 bench seats dotted around the parish - including Middleton and Newbiggin.
Whilst the Parish Council has a rolling programme of maintenance, and will try to repair/refurbish some each year, it's also grateful that several local residents have offered to 'adopt' a bench, usually near their home or business, to look after.
If it's a more modern, recycled plastic bench, then maintenance simply involves giving it the occasional wipe down, brushing leaves from under it etc; for a traditional wooden bench it might need re-painting or staining every so often.
If you'd like to learn more about it, or offer to adopt a bench, then please contact the Clerk for details.
Several generations of children have enjoyed playing at Wesley Terrace Play Area, and it's still a popular place to let off steam, enjoy physical exercise and stimulating social play.
Between 2018 and 2020 a group of local parents got together to help the Parish Council raise funds for a refurbishment of the play equipment and the result has been a fantastic achievement - in terms of the money raised, the equipment purchased and the many social activities which have been held along the way.
Contact Us
Moor Edge, Snaisgill, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Barnard Castle, DL12 0RP
Call us: 01833 640893